Thursday 13 July 2023


One of the most bizarre things you hear today in the post -Covid world is that the pandemic was a conspiracy by giant corporates, drummed up to help sell millions of vaccines (evidenced by the fact that the virus test kits were ready well before the pandemic)....the virus could have been controlled by allowing more people to get infected…slumdwellers in India survived because of their natural immunity….the vaccine was untested and unsafe…blah blah blah.

The weirdest part of it is how much convergence there is of Left & Right in this view! The Left, of course, has its own special gong for China and the "successful" way it handled the pandemic by means of a 2- year lockdown (whereas in India, a 2-month lockdown is called idiotic and anti-people by the same 'thinkers'). 

So here goes….
Who are these giant corporates? 
What would have been the alternative to the vaccine at the time ? 
Did all those deaths not happen? All of us have lost near and dear ones in the pandemic and vaccine scepticism is very much in the Donald Trump school of thought
Is it possible to explain the pandemic dying down without accepting a huge reduction in the vulnerable population brought about by vaccination ? 
On the safety question, are there phase 3 randomised controlled trials for all the other commonly used vaccines today?
Should we not have vaccines against any disease and live in the slums ?
I'd also be interested to know why China suffered a late massive wave and why it enforced such a strict lockdown completely crippling its industrial production?
China, a socialist country did have a vaccine yet, like other non-socialist countries like Aus/NZ who had implemented successful travel embargos, the vaccine uptake was poor in China…hence the late outbreak in 2022.
In the ultimate analysis, the lockdown was another edition of the Sparrow Revolution or the One Child Policy...the ideological no-man's land where absolute power is unable or unwilling to take inputs from scientists ... 
During the Trump presidency, there actually was free mixing and no vaccine ...yet the USA had the worst death toll in the world...but I know that some in the Left will say that was not related to immunity but capitalism!
Where is the actual evidence that the kits were manufactured beforehand? 
Who won by causing millions of American deaths ? 
Why is China not culpable for being the source of the pandemic?  
Why was Xi's lockdown a 'good' lockdown and the rest 'bad' lockdowns?
It must be amazing to view the world in such clear shades of black and white !
The truth is there must be more to the outbreak than we know presently,but no way was it a manufactured or false pandemic. The vaccines have had their problems but were miracles of modern science in the speed at which they were worked through and genuine lifesavers at the time.
Time will tell if the vaccines will be needed again or indeed if there will be another pandemic like this. But let's not give the dogmatic and the corrupt another chance to blight our lives with their crazy views and plans.

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One of the most bizarre things you hear today in the post -Covid world is that the pandemic was a conspiracy by giant corporates, drummed up...