Sunday 27 December 2020

Lockdown (2020)

 We must bear witness!

The centre cannot hold

And neither can the periphery

The countryside is a ghost town

And the city has lost its buzz

We learn that pasta

Is more important than caviare

And toilet paper, more than common sense

That nations which are so good at killing

Are no good at saving lives

That no one is essential, except everyone,

The nurse & the grocer, the doctor & the trucker,

One for All and All for None

We must bear witness!

To the Age of Ozymandias

And evening diyas and orange toupees

We've been foolish, but knowing we have been

Is half the battle won..

We must bear witness!

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One of the most bizarre things you hear today in the post -Covid world is that the pandemic was a conspiracy by giant corporates, drummed up...